You are here: Sales > Defining Sales Orders > Delivery – Delivery Address

Delivery – Delivery Details

Address and courier details together with Freight Forwarder information for the sales order are displayed at the Delivery Form tab of the Sales Order entry screen.

The delivery address, notes and courier details defaults to that from the debtor record.  A different address can be selected from the search window attached to Address 1 and can also be overwritten if required.  Contact Name is selected from the search window attached to the field. Any changes made here do not update the debtor record.

Field Description
Address details - default delivery address set in the debtor record.  Alternative address selected from search window OR manual over-ride permitted
Contact Name Selected from the search window for contacts setup in that debtor record or manual entry is permitted.  Manual changes do NOT update the debtor record
Notes Populated from the debtor record attached to the delivery address.  Manual over-ride is permitted
Courier Details Populated from the debtor record attached to the delivery address.  Manual over-ride is permitted

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